As I am a virgin to the blogosphere realm, I went exploring to see if there was a blog on the World Wide Web that addressed my curiosities concerning tooth loss. Expecting to find a single blog that was many years out of date, I was shocked when there were a plethora of posts and articles discussing all aspects of tooth loss (albeit the majority were out of date and plugging cosmetic dentistry, but a plethora nonetheless). The first blog that I discovered, World Dental, consists mostly of posts by writer, alias Alex Bo, who frequently updates the sire with dental news of all types. The pose i investigated, entitled "Replacing Missing Tooth with Dental Bridge" address the use of dental bridges as well as different types available to the public. The other blog I found, Fullosseous Flap's Dental Blog, shares the opinions of D.D.S. Gregory Cole, on any subject from dentistry to current politics. The post i was most intrigued by was entitled "Tooth Loss Statistics by State" and showed which state's citizens most commonly lost teeth, and also begged the question, why. I commented on both of these posts, sharing my stance on the topic and asking thought-provoking questions of the authors' The paragraphs following these are my actual comments.
First, I would like to say that this post was both informative and thorough. While I have obtained a wealth of knowledge about dental bridges, from reading your work I have learned even more. Replacing missing teeth is key to maintaining one’s dental health. Your discussion of the benefits of dental bridges, made me realize that besides fixing your bite, they also help to sustain the shape of your face, and prevent drifting and loss of other teeth in your mouth. As all of these benefits are physical, I wonder what effect they have on people mentally. It is an easy assumption that those with replacement teeth have more confidence, and therefore are better able to contribute to society by means of a job etc. I think that conducting an experiment where people of the same age group are separated based on whether they are missing teeth or not, and then they are observed and compared, would result in more evidence supporting the use of dental bridges and the other restorative methods you acknowledged in your article e.g. implants and dentures. In addition, I think the experiment would expose a topic that you covered briefly in the post, the socioeconomic class of people who have dental bridges. Being less expensive than an implant, but more expensive than dentures, bridges seem to be the middle ground treatment for tooth loss. The experiment would probably show that people in lower income classes are ones that lose the most teeth because it is assumed they have the lowest overall health. Sadly, without aide, these people cannot afford bridges or any other form of tooth replacement. A question spurred from this fact, is whether or not there is the technology to mass produce a cheap, yet effective dental bridge for those who need the treatment, but are held back from it because of their income. Ultimately my question to you is if affordable tooth replacement treatments are going to be available in the
While I enjoyed reading your post concerning tooth loss, I found that it was a bit disturbing. As a hopeful future dentist, seeing figures like nearly half of adults over 65 in
As a class mate who has picked a topic that is given much more attention, I feel your pain. I spent a large chunk of time finding two blogs which were reputable and accepted comments. Hope your search ends in fruition and if not, know that I enjoyed your last presentation.
See you a couple hours.
Great post. You really nailed some important issues in the world of Dentistry today. In your first comment, where you discuss the psychological effects of dental reconstruction, your opinions were well grounded and intriguing. If there truly has never been a social experiment looking into the psychological benefits of such procedures, then there absolutely should be. Of course, this would have to be a two-part study. First you would have to see if there was any correlation between losing teeth and retiring from the work force. Then you could see if people who lost their teeth but were given replacements were able to continue working longer.
I think that your discussion in the second comment really strikes at a dilemma for many dentists. How do you encourage people to work hard to keep their own teeth when it is so easy to simply replace them when they wear out? I do not think that all tooth loss can be attributed to nonchalance on behalf of the general population. In my opinion, apathy is probably the biggest contributor to tooth loss in America, especially (perhaps) in West Virginia. Obviously I have no support for this claim, but I would be inclined to say that people from the backwoods of West Virginia are probably not too concerned with brushing their teeth. Nor are they phased by losing a permanent tooth.
One other thing I think would be interesting to see would be the breakdown of tooth loss by country instead of by state here in the US. I would like to think that we have one of the highest tooth-retention rates in the world, but who knows?
As far as the layout of your post is concerned, I think that you might want to consider referencing your images. I assumed that the first picture was of a titanium replacement tooth, but I can't be sure. Also, is the gentleman in the second picture a West Virginia resident? His lack of teeth is consistent with West Virginia's apparent lack of oral hygiene, but it would be nice to know where he is from so that I won't make an embarrassing assumption. After all, maybe he's really from Oregon or Montana. How am I to know?
A final suggestion would be to either move the links to the external blogs right over your comments or add another link there. That would make it easier to see your comment in situ.
Once again, well done on this post. I look forward to reading more in the future.
Never mind my last suggestion - you do have prominent links to your posts, I just missed them.
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